Friday, 2 December 2011


I simply filled in the shapes with a negative black colour, and placed them on a background of all the colours the car lights make.
 I thought this series of shapes was really interesting. It gave me ideas for prints, paintings, and much more...
I wanted to paint one of these shapes in large scale. I wanted it on a background similar to this. I wanted to show all the colours car lights make but at the same time show the movement within those colours..

I used a palette knife to give the paint movement and make the colours blend in with eachother. I reversed it so that the shape of the car light was negative and instead the background was made up of colour.  I just used one of the shapes in this painting. I thought a simple shape against this chaotic background worked better.

I started playing around with these shapes to try and come up with some ideas. I seen different shades of white, yellow, orange, red, green, blue, and gold in these lights. I tried to incorporate these colours into my pieces...
I outlined them with colour...
I filled them with colour...
I layered them over eachother on top of colour...

....And then ideas started flowing :)
 I started looking at the movement of lights when cars speed. I took loads of pictures of this and loved the shapes the lights make in photos.
I took some of my most interesting pictures and made a mini colage of them.

Then I got some tracing paper and just traced around the lights. I came up with really weird shapes, shapes that you wouldn't think came from car lights! I thought they were really cool. I decided then I was going to stick to the movment of car lights and thats what I'd focus on for the rest of my project.

<  These are just some of the many shapes I came up with!