Sunday, 1 April 2012

My final 8 swatches!!

 1st swatch: shaboori using stones, spray and hand painted. I think the pattern in this swatch was really sucessful.

2nd swatch: wood chips glued to bed linen, spray painted, wool layered over eachother to create a pattern.

 The large swatch here was first pleated, then I pleated more fabric and layered it on top of the other pleats. I then cut a stencil out and spray painted a pattern onto the swatch.

Top right: I layered embroidery threads over eachother on top of bed linen fabric. Then I poured laytex over them to help them stick and give them a glassy, watery texture.

Bottom right: Here I bleeched my design onto bed linen fabric. Then I painted blue around the edges of the bleech to define the edges of the pattern.

This swatch was inspired by a close up of the previous swatch. I thought the texture of finger knitting resembled the rough and rugged texture which appeared in so many of my pictures. I finger knitted strips, layered them over eachother to create a pattern, and then pout laytex over them. I think this is my favourite swatch.

The swatch on the left was first quilted onto wadding. I then glued sugar to the raised parts of the swatch. I love the pattern in this swatch.

The swatch on the right is to resemble a decaying tree. I spray painting wadding, Then I burned and cut up blue and brown matierals. I layered all these pieces over eachother. I again glued sugar to the material.

I glued suger to both these swatches as both things that inspired them had gritty texture. I also felt the sugar defined the pattern in the swatch more.

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