Sunday 1 April 2012

" A Diamond in the Rough" (the end result)

How I came up with the name??
Well I was thinking of all the words I could that explained my theme. Rough, Rugged, Outdoors, Organic. The main words all my swatches, sketches, and research had in common was 'rough'. I thought of catchy slogans to do with the word 'rough'. "A Diamond in the Rough" came to mind straight away. I thought of how I was trying to find beautiful, stylish patterns through this research of 'rough'. I felt the title ''A diamond in the rough'' described this perfectly.

My Final Colour Bored:

After alot of photocopying, photoshop, and magazine cutting I finally came up with a colour bored. I got magazine cut outs stuck them together and faded them as a background in photoshop. Then I cut out my image and colours and placed them on top of this background.

My final Mood Bored:
I again cut out a lot of images, and magazine cut outs and collaged them together. I played around with this bored alot using the photocopier and photoshop. I added some finger knitting to the bored to introduce my swatch making into the bored. I cut out two of my photos and placed bored under them to give the mood bored a 3D effect.

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